M.I. Lewis
Food Pantry
Client Choice

We have recently expanded our pantry to allow for a personalized shopping experience. Clients have the opportunity choose items that fit their families needs rather than receiving a standard bag of items. Food is given once a month to individuals and families. Those who qualify will receive a significant amount of dry goods, fresh produce, meat, hygiene products and much more.
New Food Client needs to be signed in by 12:30pm
Last Returning Food client needs to be signed in by 12:45pm
First Come First Serve!
Please print and fill out prior to your visit.
Mobile Food
M. I. Lewis hosts a Mobile Food Distribution on the third Saturday of every month. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and canned goods from the Galveston County Food Bank are given to anyone that comes and registers.
You can help by bringing a group to volunteer. Call (281) 534-2043 for more information about volunteer opportunities.
In addition, local non-profit agencies attend our food fairs to share information about their services.

Kidz Pacz
Summer Program
Purpose: To supplement summer meals, families will pick up packs once a week for children from June 3rd – to August 10th
Eligibility: Children 3 -18 years old that qualify for free and reduced lunch or our Food Pantry
Weekly Pick Up: Families may pick up once per week.
What’s inside: 8-10 lbs. of non-perishable, family-friendly, and easy to prepare meals, breakfast items, drinks, and snacks. The menu will rotate throughout the summer.